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Reiki Attunement
"A Reiki Attunement is an act of asking for the wisdom and grace of Reiki
to enter our consciousness and our actions"
Colleen Benelli

The Attunement process is a spiritual ceremony that is used to connect a person to the original source of Universal Healing Energy. By doing this they are open to the flow of life force energy (Chi) and channelling healing pathways connecting us to our higher selves. By completing an Attunement we sync our resonance to the emotions and energies of those around us while allowing them to pass through without distortion. This creates an emphatic nature in the same way a parent reacts to their children, someone attuned can react positively to others promoting well being and calm.  The purpose of Level One Attunement is to be connected to Source, promote our own healing and protection. Level Two allows us to empathically pass this onto others with their consent, sharing our Chi and that of the Universes, the same way a tuning fork vibrates we can resonate our energy to help heal physical or emotional trauma in others.



Level One

Level One Attunement is centred around self healing, this is used primarily towards ones own growth and progression. In this session we will  learn to connect to the beautiful energy of Reiki. 
Included in this session

  • 1h Reiki Session before Attunement (2hr Total)


  • Oracle Reading (after Attunement)


  • Provided with documentation and learning Information (to be emailed over)


  • Certificate and Reiki Lineage 


  • Plus more 

Level Two

Level Two is focused on learning to channel Reiki energy towards healing others. You will be learning new Reiki Symbols and how to apply them in practice.
Included in this session

  • 1hr Reiki Session before Attunement (2.5hr Total)

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  • Tarot & Oracle Reading (Tarot Before session, Oracle after session)


  • Provided with documentation and learning Information (to be emailed over)


  • Certificate and Reiki Lineage 


  • Plus more


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